Car rental is becoming more and more popular today because of its convenience. Many French people nowadays opt for this solution, either on a one-off basis or on a more regular basis. However, the offers on the market are consequent, and it is not always easy to find your way around. Here are a few criteria to help you choose the car rental agency adapted to your needs.

The category of the vehicle to be rented

The types of vehicles differ depending on the rental agency chosen. Depending on your needs, you can choose the service provider offering your preferred category. The majority of companies offer the rental of family cars, city cars and sedans. However, SUVs and utility cars can be found at some rental companies. Carts, motor-homes and electric cars are available at specialized rental agencies, although they are becoming scarce. Also note that some professionals work with car brands, and therefore only offer models in this category.

The duration of the rental

It is important to know that your needs can have a great influence in choosing a car rental agency. The offers of each service provider will not necessarily be the same, and you will need to find out before you start. Most agencies offer short term offers or, conversely, long term or long-term offers. In the first case, the car rental company will make the car available to you for a fairly short period of time. This can help out during a special event such as a wedding or moving house, for example. As for the LLD, it is a formula which consists in renting you a car for several days, months, according to the conditions of the agency and your needs. Finally, there is what is called LOA or rental with an offer to purchase. This option is much less common, but is available from some rental professionals.

The agency's services, options and rates

The rental price is a non-negligible indicator in the choice of its provider, as long as it has to respect your budget. In order to find the agency offering the best rates, you can use the Internet and online price comparators.

Finally, the additional services offered must be taken into account in order to find the most advantageous offer. Many agencies rely on the 24-hour roadside assistance service to build customer loyalty. Others offer the provision of additional equipment, and provide their customers with an optional GPS or child car seat.